Metaphysical Meme and Precog Polyart

Welcome to my heart's desire. I started this journey in 2010. I've come to understand that no United States-based fan organization is currently operating--or if there is, it's well under the radar. Well, that's just wrong. So it is that I'm taking on the challenge of calling all fans and enthusiasts in the States to join me (yet again) in creating a new online group where we can discuss and share and show that yes, there is interest in the United States! If you would be interested in this new project, please contact me at and let's see what we can create!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jarre Fanatic? Join Us!

I've said before that often's the time I feel like the lone dedicated Jarre fan over here in the wild frontier of the New World.  Well, I've learned that even if that is the case--and it can't be, right?--my mission with this blog and other efforts is to create a place in the Ethersphere where there are no continental divides or political borders.  I'm here to celebrate Jarre and I bet you are too.

To that end, I'm opening up Magnetic Fields Forever to contributors.  All you need is a love of Jarre's music, an interest in Jarre the man, and the willingness to share your thoughts.  Contributors will be able to get an official e-mail account, .

Additionally, I've begun a Magnetic Fields Forever page on Facebook, where my plan is to gather information and postings that happen to come my way.  You are invited to join.  I would also be happy to share admin privileges!   Find us at .

Thank you, and pleasant dreams of electronic seduction!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Serious? Committed? You Bet Your Aerobooty!

Magnetic Fields Forever has just gone from being yet another blog to having a real identity complete with tech sophisticated address.

This site can now be accessed through !

If this isn't a sign of my renewed commitment and interest, I don't know what such a sign could be.